Blog Intervention with Minors

Blog Articulo De Valor Recuperado Prob Conduct 2

My son/daughter has begun to present behavioral problems. What I do?

Many parents have gone through similar situations. They have seen how their children do not assume rules and limits in the family context, how complaints at school are increasing and how they have been involved in problems in their environment and have found effective solutions to help their children overcome their problems. . Here we provide you with some useful tips and resources to help you deal with this situation. 

Alcohol en adolescentes

The problem of alcohol in adolescents 

Alcoholism in adolescents is a serious problem that affects many people around the world, including Spain. Alcohol consumption in adolescents can have serious consequences on their physical and mental health, as well as their personal and social development.

Blog Articulo De Valor Bullying

«Effective intervention of bullying in minors: The key role of education professionals»

Bullying is a social problem that affects children and adolescents around the world. Bullying can have serious consequences for the mental and physical health of minors, as well as their academic performance and quality of life in general. In this article, we will talk about the importance of the involvement of education professionals to prevent bullying in schools.

Blog Menores Noticia Libros Diversidad

5 books to work on diversity with teenagers

“We educate for life and life is diverse.” The educational field is one of those responsible for the evolution of respect and tolerance towards diversity. These books can be an excellent tool for teenagers to learn to value diversity and promote inclusion in society.

centros de menores y centros de acogida

How does a reception center work? Is it the same as a juvenile center?  

Centers for minors are institutions that assume responsibility for children and young people for a specific period, have their guardianship and are in charge of their care and well-being. They are in this organization due to different reasons, whether due to the commission of a crime, the inability of their relatives to support them or the death of their parents, among other cases.