«Effective intervention of bullying in minors: The key role of education professionals»

Bullying is a social problem that affects children and adolescents around the world. It is defined as aggressive and intentional behavior, which occurs repeatedly over time and which generates an imbalance of power between the aggressor and the victim. Bullying can have serious consequences for the mental and physical health of minors, as well as their academic performance and quality of life in general. In this article, we will talk about the importance of the involvement of education professionals to prevent bullying in schools.

Prevention of bullying in minors: role of education professionals

Educational professionals, including teachers, school counselors, and administrators, play a fundamental role in the prevention and detection of bullying in schools. Education professionals can help create a safe and positive school environment, where students feel supported and protected. To do this, they must be trained and prepared to recognize the signs of bullying and take appropriate measures to address it.

According to a study carried out by the National Secondary School Counseling Association of the United States, 62% of the school counselors surveyed reported that they had counseled students who had been victims of bullying in the previous school year. Additionally, 44% of school counselors reported that they had counseled students who had been bullies in the same time period. These data show the need for education professionals to be trained to address bullying in schools.

Importance of early detection of bullying

Early detection of bullying is essential to prevent its perpetuation and minimize its negative consequences. People specialized in education must be trained to recognize the signs of bullying, such as lack of social interaction, anxiety, fear, isolation and sadness, among others. Once these signs are identified, education professionals must take steps to address the problem and support the victim.

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As educational psychologist Sara Márquez details: «Early detection of bullying is crucial for its prevention. “Educational professionals have an important responsibility in identifying and addressing bullying in their schools.”

Strategies to prevent bullying

There are various strategies that education professionals can implement to prevent bullying in schools. One of them is to foster a positive and respectful school culture that promotes inclusion and diversity. In addition, training and awareness activities can be carried out for the entire school community, with the aim of raising awareness about the negative effects of bullying and the importance of preventing it.

According to a study carried out by UNESCO, the most effective strategies to prevent bullying are those that involve the entire school community, including students, teachers, parents and support staff. In addition, communication and collaboration between education professionals and parents of students should be encouraged to address bullying in a joint and coordinated manner.

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As school psychologist David Pérez states: «It is important that education professionals work as a team and in collaboration with parents to prevent and address bullying in schools. Education is a joint task between the family and the school.

Another effective strategy is to implement mediation and conflict resolution programs, which help students develop social and emotional skills, and resolve conflicts peacefully and respectfully.

According to a study carried out by the Center for Economic Research and Teaching of Mexico, mediation and conflict resolution programs can significantly reduce bullying in schools.


Bullying in minors is a serious problem that affects millions of boys and girls around the world. Education professionals have a fundamental role in the prevention and early detection of bullying, as well as in the support and protection of victims. To achieve this, it is essential that education professionals are trained and prepared to address bullying in schools, and that they implement effective strategies that involve the entire school community.

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As Ana Rodríguez, principal of an elementary school, states: «Preventing bullying is a complex and difficult task, but it is essential to guarantee a safe and positive school environment for our students. "Educational professionals must be committed to this task and work together to prevent and address bullying in all its forms."

In conclusion, the involvement and commitment of education professionals is essential to prevent bullying in schools and guarantee the well-being of students. With the collaboration and joint work of the entire school community, a safe and positive environment can be created for all students, where respect, inclusion and diversity are promoted.

Preventing bullying is everyone's business, specialize in Intervention with Minors.

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