Blanca Barredo Gutiérrez
Academic training
Graduate in Law
EIM Teaching
Mediation teacher in the areas of Catalan private law
Professional experience
- Associate collaborative lawyer at the Catalan Association of Collaborative Law
- Professional mediator registered in the Mediation Center of Catalonia and in ADR ICAB Illustrious Bar Association of Barcelona
- Founding partner Mediator & ADR – Collaborative lawyer at IMI - Comprehensive Mediation Institute
- Founding Partner and secretary of the board of directors at RIEEB International Emotional Education and Wellbeing Network
- ACDMA Associate Conflict Mediation & ADRs
- Member of the Scientific Committee, the Organizing Committee and the Executive Committee of the mediation culture conferences organized by the ICE of the University of Barcelona
- Coordinator of the mediation and restorative practices group of the IDP-ICE University of Barcelona
- Teacher in different master's degrees, postgraduate degrees and courses in Mediation, alternative conflict management and restorative practice in professional schools and the University of Barcelona.
- Lecturer at Diplôme Universitaire Modes alternatifs de règlements des différents Université de Perpignan Via Domita Faculté de droit (France)