Registration of mediators Asturias
In this section we will provide you with all the information you need to register as a mediation professional in this Autonomous Community. Likewise, you will be able to consult the training you need to meet requirements and that our School makes available to you.
Training Academic
- Have a university degree or higher education cycle.
Training specific
- Formation of 100 hours in mediation. Of her, a 35% It must be practical. Our expert course will help you to this end.
Training keep going
- You must certify 20 hours of training every 5 years.
The International Mediation School also has continuous training. You can choose up to 17 specialties. Access by clicking here.
Registration requests
Asturias is governed by the IMPA (Mediation Institute of the Principality of Asturias). To carry out the procedure, you must access the application:
Required documentation
You will be required, on your first stay, to complete the registration application. To it, the following documentation must be attached:
- ID.
- Certificate of Registration in the Ministry of Justice: It is the certification accrediting registration in the Registry of Mediators of the Ministry of Justice or a certification from the Professional College.
- Proof of payment: Proof of payment to the IMPA bank account number: ES61 2048 0114 1234 0400 3447, of the Maintenance Rights in the Registry of Mediators corresponding to the calendar year in which you request your registration (€121 VAT included), as well as a domiciliation order for the payment of said rights from now on. The mediators who are also members of the Association of Economists of Asturias enrolled in the Professional Performance Shift of the College, will be exempt from paying these fees.
Procedure to follow in registration
You can submit your registration request in two ways:
- In person: At the College of Economists of Asturias (Alfonso III El Magno, 15 – 33001 Oviedo).
- Via postal mail: To the same address (Alfonso III El Magno, 15- 33001 Oviedo). The submission must include both the completed and signed registration application and additional documentation (you can see what it is by clicking on the 'Required Documentation' section).