Welcome to Being a Mediator

The open blog of mediation professionals

Blog Noticias Eim Futbol

Intercultural mediation: a powerful instrument against racism in the Spanish Football League

In the globalized society in which we live, cultural diversity has become an undeniable reality. However, this rich mosaic of cultures has also given rise to conflicts and tensions, including racism. It is in this context that intercultural mediation emerges as a powerful tool to combat this phenomenon and promote peaceful coexistence. In this article, we will explore the importance of intercultural mediation in the fight against racism, focusing on the recent case of Vinicius JR in the Spanish Football League.

Alcohol en adolescentes

The problem of alcohol in adolescents 

Alcoholism in adolescents is a serious problem that affects many people around the world, including Spain. Alcohol consumption in adolescents can have serious consequences on their physical and mental health, as well as their personal and social development.

Blog Post Docente Eim Hoy

Mentoring and intercultural mediation

You already know that an intercultural mediator is a person who is dedicated to facilitating communication and understanding between people of different cultures and origins. But to be a great intercultural mediator, one must clearly attend to three types of objectives within that role.