Welcome to Being a Mediator

The open blog of mediation professionals

docente mediación judicial

Family, conflict and Mediation: A cultural change

Everyone knows an old phrase that we heard in our families that said: “dirty linen is washed at home.” And so it is, from my beginnings as a mediator I was aware that this “medicine” called mediation is fundamental and is especially prescribed when it comes to family conflicts, since relationships will continue over time and last after a conflict within the family. the same.

Blog Articulo De Valor Recuperado Pelis

5 movies you can't miss to understand teenagers

Adolescence is a necessary and vitally important stage in the development of people. It is not a period of transition from childhood to adulthood, it is a stage with value and richness in itself, which offers infinite possibilities for learning and developing strengths. It is a challenging stage, with many changes and questions for adolescents, but also for their parents and close adults. 

Dia Internacional Contra El Trabajo Infantil

The importance of professionals trained in intervention with minors in the fight against child labor

The International Day Against Child Labor is commemorated every year on June 12, with the aim of raising awareness and raising awareness about the problem of child labor around the world. On this day, it is important to reflect on the importance of protecting children from this practice and guaranteeing them a safe and conducive environment for their development. One of the keys to achieving this is having professionals trained in intervention with minors.