
The effectiveness of mediation in family conflicts

Conflicts exist, have existed and always will exist in society in all areas, and those of a family nature are especially important, which are more delicate due to the bonds and emotional ties between the opposing parties. Everyday problems arise among the civilian population: issues of… Read more

The possibilities of rural mediation

Did you know that mediation can be applied to the agricultural field? The application of mediation to the rural sector is interesting, for one main reason: it manages to maintain existing family, neighborhood or work ties. Improving these relationships will result in good business performance or performance of… Read more

Information point in the courts to promote mediation

With the aim of promoting this conflict resolution formula as an alternative to litigation, actions and initiatives for dissemination and information to citizens are carried out daily, at the national level. In the case of Seville, we remember this news, from Europapress, of great importance for mediators... Read more

The ICAV promotes business mediation

In previous posts we have talked about the wide range of possibilities and areas to which mediation can be applied: civil, commercial, family, environmental, school, bankruptcy, community, and in this specific case, business. Recently, the Illustrious Bar Association of Valencia (ICAV) has initiated actions aimed at the promotion and… Read more

Bankruptcy mediation grows by 87% in Spain during 2015

The numbers speak for themselves: in Spain, bankruptcy mediation has experienced unprecedented exponential growth in 875% over the last year, going from 78 procedures to 683 registered, according to data provided by the Association of Economists of Alicante. This increase in cases referred to bankruptcy mediation is… Read more

Interview with Rocío Cordero Belda, Psychologist-Mediator. Coordinator of the Mediation Area of the Official College of Psychology of Western Andalusia

"Mediation has a place in any area, whether family, civil, commercial, neighborhood, work, where there are people there can be conflicts and where there are conflicts, mediation can be very useful."

Rocio Lamb She is a psychologist and family mediator, as well as Coordinator of the Mediation Area of the Official College of Western Psychology. He is currently a teacher of the University Mediation Course taught by Mainfor.

What would you say is the greatest advantage of mediation over judicial means?
A: There are many advantages but if I have to choose one, I consider the fact that in mediation the people and their circumstances are taken into account, because everything is personalized. It is true that it is faster, cheaper, reduces the emotional cost, etc. but above all it is each person's process and the agreed solution is their solution. During the process, each person is given their space and time, so that both can express what they think, what they feel and what they want to happen. In the judicial system, affected people are not always heard, most of the time it is the lawyers who demonstrate or negotiate among themselves.

Each case is different and for that reason they must be generated solutions adapted to the people involved and the circumstances that surround them. Reach a consensual agreement through dialogue, where each party expresses itself freely, being heard and listened to, where each opinion is taken into account as valid until they themselves value it and accept it or discard it in search of a better option. This joint and cooperative work between people who are immersed in a conflict improves communication, relationships, involvement in solving the situation and compliance with what was agreed.

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