
banner ofertas de trabajo 03 09

Job offers and tenders to work as a mediator

Currently at EULEN Servicios Sociosanitarios we are looking for an Intercultural Mediator who speaks Urdu, for a healthcare environment in Barcelona. Functions: Cultural and linguistic interpretation between health professionals and patients. Good conflict resolution and teamwork skills are essential. What do we offer you? Contract for medical leave coverage. Incorporation … Read more

Campo In Fb

Campo bets on mediation in the new procedural reform

The Minister of Justice, Juan Carlos Campo, intends to give greater prominence to mediation and conflict resolution through a procedural reform law next October in the Council of Ministers. Minister Campo defends that “if we want Justice to be useful, it is… Read more

Banner Ofertas De Trabajo 03 09

Job offers and tenders to work as a mediator

Currently at EULEN Servicios Sociosanitarios we are looking for an Intercultural Mediator who speaks Urdu, for a healthcare environment in Barcelona. Functions: Cultural and linguistic interpretation between health professionals and patients. Good conflict resolution and teamwork skills are essential. What do we offer you? Contract for medical leave coverage. Incorporation … Read more

banner ofertas de trabajo 27 08

Job offers and tenders to work as a mediator

 You will be in charge of helping minors in their daily lives and being an interpreter for the center staff for minors or family members who do not yet know how to speak Spanish. It is not essential, however, training in mediation and experience in the workplace will be valued. or similar. … Read more

Mediation: a good alternative for the minor offender

On Thursday, August 27, the International School of Mediation, through a webinar, will offer you an interesting online presentation: "Mediation: a good alternative for minor offenders." Presentation directed by Isabel Fernández Olmo, Senior Prosecutor of the Juvenile Section of the Malaga Prosecutor's Office, at the … Read more

World Mediation Congress 2020

The World Mediation Congress promotes, through Alternative Conflict Resolution, the dissemination and exchange of experiences of expert mediators, conciliators, arbitrators and other management mechanisms, to demonstrate that it is possible to live in a world with conflicts but with basic tools to take advantage of them. themselves the best opportunities. The event will have… Read more

ofertas laborales 2008

Job offers and tenders to work as a mediator

An INTERCULTURAL MEDIATOR (Arabic, French) is needed for a child protection center. Functions: help minors in their daily lives and help translate conversations between the center staff, in which minors or family members who do not yet know Spanish. To access … Read more

Trabajo Social Y Pandemia Grafica Blog

Social work and mediation: perfect symbiosis in times of pandemic

Social Work as a discipline has always been close to conflictive contexts and situations at different levels. And perhaps in this special moment that we live in caused by the pandemic, there are many social workers who have performed functions as conflict managers, applying methods and techniques to prevent and/or give... Read more