The Pere Tarrés Foundation provides a community mediator at 37.5 hours/weekly for the mediation service of the Sant Andreu neighborhood of Barcelona. Incorporated on September 28. Service hours are weekdays, weekends, weekends and holidays from 11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and weekdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (flexibility to work punctually during some weekends or holidays)
– Intervention aimed at Preventing, Detecting, collecting, working and channeling the demands and personal information that refer to conflict situations.
– Intervene in the social sphere of the conflict establishes the most favorable actions with the collaboration of other agents of the territory for the seva canalització, such as: security services, maintenance services and infrastructures, neteja services, d services 'green countries, community entities, associations, community trade, educational and educational centres, ...
– Facilitate citizens' access to participation channels regarding coexistence and/or reporting of uncivil situations.
– Promote and enable the veïnatge in the community management of the collective afers, through educational processes of accompaniment and assessment adapted to the diversity of the veïns/es, to promote their involvement and autonomy
– Orient and promote the access of the citizen to the resources available in the territory or city in order to donate in response to personal situations of social, economic, labor or habitat vulnerability.
– Design the intervention in conflicts: carrying out mediations (interviews and case analysis), registration of service details, coordination and management of the conflict with technical/questions, municipal officials and security forces, referral and follow-up of cases.
– Quarterly reports, annual report, donate to conèixer and spread media culture.
– Offer support and instruments to municipal professionals and agents that make up the community; design and implementation of formative actions by different social agents.
To access the job offer click here.

Brief position description
Job responsibilities
– Mediation activities in cultural space with different users – Development of tools and methodologies for community revitalization with families and children between 0 and 12 years old. – Create and facilitate spaces for the exchange of knowledge
To access the job offer click here.

Under the direction of the Responsible for the Social Intervention Plan will be responsible for:
– Special language interpretation support
– Direct intervention, informing, advising, guiding, and monitoring users
– Accompaniment and/or mediation in the health, social, and legal field
– Management and dynamization of volunteering.
– Support to regional assemblies in intervention in settlements.
– Identification and monitoring of possible settlements.
– Identification and planning of actions to be carried out in the settlements, based on the needs detected.
– Contact with other social agents.
– Data registration in computer applications
To access the job offer click here.

We are looking for a mediator or bankruptcy mediator with experience in financial mediation, claims about abusive interests, bankruptcy mediation, 2nd chance law...
Any form of collaboration will be valued: self-employed, commercial, work depending on the candidate's worth.
It is not essential to be a lawyer
We value experience in competing companies such as Arriaga, Reclamapormi, Deudafix, Reparatudeuda, etc.
To access the job offer click here.

Cerquem Intercultural Mediator to serve as mediator in the Penitentiary Center in El Catllar (Tarragona). It is available for a 30-hour weekly vacancy.
It is essential that the person speak and write Arabic correctly.
INCORPORATION DATA: September 14, 2020.
SALARY: €14,212.91 gross/year.
DAY: 30 hours weekly.
TIMES: daylight hours: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., dimarts: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., dimecres and dimecres: 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., sundays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
To access the job offer click here.
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