Community Mediator in Castelldefels (Barcelona)
At the Pere Tarrés Foundation we are looking for a Community Mediator to work on a project in Castelldefels. We offer a 6-month contract (with the possibility of continuity) at 32.5 hours/week:
Minimum requirements:
-University degree in Social Sciences.
-Training in Mediation.
-Minimum experience 2 years.
-Have the Negative Certificate of Sexual Crimes.
-Detect conflict situations or places that may be possible sources of conflict in public spaces.
-Design strategies to improve coexistence dynamics and execute relevant actions.
-Design and implement strategies to improve the dynamics of coexistence in public spaces where conflict has been detected.
-Promote good neighborliness, favoring the involvement of citizens in the construction of positive relational dynamics.
-Networking with social agents, entities, institutions, etc.
-Quarterly reports, annual report, etc.
To access the job offer click here.

Migrant area educator in Valencia
Spanish Red Cross, a humanitarian institution, of a voluntary nature and of public interest, is looking for an educator in the migrant area in Valencia, with a contract for work or full-time service.
Minimum requirements:
-Higher Degree Professional Training in Social Sciences and/or Education.
-Experience with vulnerable groups and/or migrants.
-Experience in planning training, leisure and free time activities.
-French and/or English language knowledge.
-Enthusiastic, tolerant, dynamic and innovative person, assertive, empathetic, persevering and empathetic communication.
-Tolerance to stressful situations, flexibility and adaptation to changes.
-Experience in management and dynamization of volunteering.
Valuable requirements:
-Knowledge of other languages, Arabic…
-Related training in mediation and conflict management.
-Training and experience in social intervention, migration and/or migrant women.
-Experience in housing and/or sheltered centers.
-Knowledge of computer applications of the Ministry (SYRIA) and CRE (Intervention, Refugees...).
-Recognized disability of at least 33%.
-Being a victim of gender violence.
-Being a supervised or ex-tutored person.
-Reduce the situation of vulnerability of the beneficiaries of the program, with accommodation, maintenance and coverage of their basic needs, social tools, thus favoring their integration into the host society.
-Reception, transportation and accompaniment to reception facilities or places where social and family networks are located, health centers or other places determined by the SGII.
-Support in the organization and execution of the daily dynamics of the center.
-Planning, coordination and implementation of the educational intervention with users with a personalized intervention plan.
-Promote the participation of all people in the dynamics of the reception resource.
-Attention to demands and needs, support and mediations necessary to facilitate access to community services and resources.
-Support in the planning of leisure and free time, educational activities and workshops, etc. from the center.
-Intercultural mediation and conflict resolution of the center and/or the community.
-Registration of applications, etc.
-Other actions or tasks that facilitate the adequate provision of the service and the management of the project.
-Recruitment and dynamization of volunteers for the development of project activities.
-Technical advice and training for professionals and volunteer staff involved in the project.
-Those other tasks that the project may require.
To access the job offer click here.

Social worker external unit emancipation in Valencia
Spanish Red Cross, a humanitarian institution, of a voluntary nature and of public interest, is looking for a social worker for an external emancipation unit in Valencia. Full-time replacement contract is offered.
Minimum requirements:
-Diploma/Degree in Social Work.
-Experience and training in caring for minors under guardianship, young people formerly under guardianship and/or in social difficulties.
-Knowledge of community resources.
-Enthusiastic, creative, tolerant, dynamic and innovative person, with assertive, persevering and empathetic communication.
-Tolerance to stressful situations, flexibility, adaptation to change.
-Capacity for planning, management, teamwork, objectives and responsibility.
-Average level of computer science office package.
-Driving license.
-Negative certificate of crimes of a sexual nature.
Valuable requirements:
-Knowledge of French and/or English language.
-Training in mediation and conflict management.
-Training and experience in immigrants and/or Women.
-Commitment to CRE values.
-Knowledge of CRE computer applications.
-Be a volunteer staff.
-Having been a young person under guardianship.
-Being a victim of Gender Violence
-Recognized disability of at least 33%.
-Intervention, evaluation and socio-educational monitoring of minors and young people who are out of care and/or in social difficulty.
-Preparation and execution of Individualized Emancipation Itineraries for each person served.
-First reception and detection of needs, adapting to established protocols and interdisciplinary work.
-Personalized accompaniment process for the social integration, independence and autonomy of young people in the service.
-Inform, guide, advise and accompany existing resources aimed at the processes of emancipation and personal autonomy for an independent adult life.
-Attention to emergency and crisis situations.
-Promote integration and cover the needs aimed at the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge and skills for participation in society.
-Monitoring of the social integration itinerary (interviews, information, indications on procedures and procedures, interventions in the educational and training field, proposals for financial aid...).
-Social, family and/or intercultural mediation interventions.
-Coordinated work with other entities and external resources.
-Registration, control and monitoring in intervention computer applications.
-Technical advice and training for professionals and volunteer staff who intervene in the itineraries of beneficiaries in matters of children's rights and those derived from their situation, such as formerly protected persons.
-Design, agree and execute training actions on the social situation of adolescents and young people to different social agents.
-Other actions or tasks that facilitate the provision of the service and the management of the project.
To access the job offer click here.
Professional qualified in Pedagogy, Psychology or Psychopedagogy in Valencia
Siena Educación selects professionals with degrees in Pedagogy, Psychology or Psychopedagogy for the Valencian Community, to carry out a training, orientation and motivational program aimed at young people aged 16 to 21 at risk of social exclusion.
The working day will be 30 hours per week, in the morning. This program will be carried out in both Valencia, Alicante and Castellón, therefore candidates from these three provinces are sought.
Minimum requirements:
-Degree in Psychology, Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy.
-Elementary/B1 level of Valencian.
-36 months of minimum experience (in the last 5 years) as a Pedagogue, Psychologist and/or Psychopedagogue in functions similar to those of the position offered.
Valuable requirements:
-Experience in family and school mediation.
-Gestalt therapy.
-Attachment Theory.
-Intervention in family contexts.
-Knowledge of the formal and non-formal educational system.
-Training in prevention of addictive behaviors.
-Own vehicle.
-Intervention with young people at risk of social exclusion.
-Daily group and individual sessions.
-Academic guidance, coaching, reporting and session monitoring, among other tasks.
To access the job offer click here.
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