EIM News

Jose trujillo

How is mediation used to stop bullying?

Violence is any act that, by action or omission, causes or may cause harm. Within this phenomenon we find bullying defined in 1970 by Olweus, who indicated that a student is harassed or victimized when he is repeatedly exposed to negative actions by one or more students, without the ability or effective tools to be able to defend himself.

La paz y la mediación

Peace and mediation

Obviously, no one is unaware of how much is written about peace in the world. I believe that as much as that precept that is so important for human relationships: coexistence is not fulfilled.

Blog Post Docente Eim Emilia Pros Y Contras Mediacion

Working in mediation: pros and cons

The mediator is defined as a third party who is asked to carry out a mediation in an effective, impartial and competent manner. This effectiveness and competence in their actions requires that the mediator have training that allows them to do so.