5 Movies about Positive Discipline You Can't Miss If You Work with Minors
Positive discipline, which focuses on the education and comprehensive development of minors through respect and empathy, has been a recurring theme in cinema. The following five films address key aspects of this approach, showing how patience, communication and understanding can help children achieve their goals. Read more
Positive Discipline and Conflict Management: Effective Strategies
Positive discipline is based on mutual respect and assertiveness, which is why it is perfect for applying it to conflict management.
The Role of the Civil Mediator: Key Skills and Competencies
In conflict resolution, the civil mediator plays a crucial role. Through his intervention, it is possible to reach satisfactory agreements for all parties involved, thus avoiding long and costly litigation. In this post, we will explore the key skills and competencies that a civil mediator must have to perform his role. Read more
Job offers in mediation from February 5 to 11
Don't miss our latest job offers! They are looking for mediation professionals in Asturias, Lanzarote and much more.
Job offers in mediation from September 15 to 21
Don't miss our latest job offers! They are looking for mediation professionals in Malaga and Jaén.
Job offers in mediation from September 4 to 10
Don't miss our latest job offers! They are looking for mediation professionals in Marbella, Córdoba and Madrid Islands.