14 PIMA in Andalusian judicial headquarters


Citizens may obtain information on their own initiative or from judicial bodies


The vice president and counselor of Tourism, Regeneration, Justice and Local Administration, Juan Marín, highlighted the "commitment of the Ministry to the Andalusian culture of mediation" and launched the Andalusian Mediation Promotion Information Point (PIMA), which was inaugurated last Wednesday, July 15 in the City of Justice, in Malaga.



This new service will provide information to citizens well for their own initiative or derived from the judicial bodies themselves.

Marín has indicated that «Citizens must be aware that many times it is preferable to reach a good agreement and resolve the problems before considering a lawsuit that we do not know when it will end and under what conditions».



In this sense, he emphasized that the new PIMA represents "an important advance for all Justice professionals, but above all the provision of a better service to all citizens". He also added: «They are going to represent a before and after in the resolution of conflicts».



When presenting PIMA to the judicial institutions and professionals of the industry, he emphasized that on this issue, the objective of the Andalusian government is «put an end to the use of intermediary entities to offer this service, launch a service for the first time dependent on the Ministry, with which we guarantee the quality of care; and begin the development of a Mediation law for the Andalusian community«.



Therefore, the Ministry of Justice has launched a total of 14 PIMA in Andalusian judicial headquarters, eight in the main buildings of each of the provincial capitals, in addition to points in Algeciras (Cádiz), which will also provide coverage to La Línea and San Roque; and Marbella, from which you will attend the Fuengirola judicial headquarters. Likewise, the PIMA service from Seville will also have a position in Osuna.



Mediation makes its way like the ó á ó. Providing it with funds is a request from communities and city councils that is materializing.



Adapt to this new reality and expand your field of action: or   either .


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