A war is always an important media focus, and even more so if it takes place a few kilometers from the European Union.
Like any conflict, it clearly represents an opportunity, and that is something that those of us who are dedicated to mediation must always take into account.
In this case, not only does it represent the possibility of once again realizing how bad a war is, but we also already know that whoever wins will bring a ruinous state to both countries. There is already talk that this conflict will represent 40% of GDP next year in Ukraine and 10% of Russia itself. As we see, war, like lawsuits, are costly and do not solve problems.
But returning to opportunity, this war is representing several clear opportunities from an intercultural point of view; The first is that we are “re-knowing.” Indeed, with this invasion we have seen how Spanish society has reacted to a situation where those people who suffer from displacement and the mandatory departure from their homes, are similar to us and how we are able to be more or less supportive depending on the ethnic, religious or cultural group that has the problem.

We see how, in some way, prejudice and stereotype live in us and the mediator must be aware that in our common subconscious we are not all the same.
This is something that weighs, but as a good deactivator of conflict, as a good TEDAX of mediation, we have to deactivate.
Another clear opportunity that the conflict represents is, above all, in the same attention to displaced people and refugees, to see how we are capable of adapting and managing a large group of people who also have truly different characteristics from economic migrants, since that these people who now live in the refugee reception centers, until just over two months ago, had a normal life. An intercultural mediator competent is truly a key piece in that management here.
And as a third chance. We are learning that much of the conflict has historical, and above all linguistic, connotations, where the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Lugansk have always had the specificity of being Russophiles. Language as a difference, but at the same time language as a cornerstone of many of our multiple identities that does not have to be exclusive in itself.
Mediation before litigation or war. Mediation always as an opportunity.
Certainly, when this war began, the first thing that came to mind was the figure of the intercultural mediator. Amount of life, affections, customs, habits were destroyed from one minute to the next. Life changed in an instant for all those people who inevitably decided to leave... and not because of new goals or life experience, they were brutally forced to do so, having to incorporate almost by instinct into a new culture, a new country...
The possibility of co-acting between cultures is a practice that requires a lot of empathy, dialogue, understanding...
That is the objective of the intercultural mediator.