Blog Intervention with Minors

Código deontológico

The deontological code of the minor educator

The code of ethics for the minor educator is a set of ethical principles and standards of conduct that guide the profession of those who work with children and adolescents in the educational field. This code is based on fundamental values such as integrity, responsibility, respect and promoting the well-being of minors.

Blog Articulo De Valor Recuperado Pelis

5 movies you can't miss to understand teenagers

Adolescence is a necessary and vitally important stage in the development of people. It is not a period of transition from childhood to adulthood, it is a stage with value and richness in itself, which offers infinite possibilities for learning and developing strengths. It is a challenging stage, with many changes and questions for adolescents, but also for their parents and close adults. 

Dia Internacional Contra El Trabajo Infantil

The importance of professionals trained in intervention with minors in the fight against child labor

The International Day Against Child Labor is commemorated every year on June 12, with the aim of raising awareness and raising awareness about the problem of child labor around the world. On this day, it is important to reflect on the importance of protecting children from this practice and guaranteeing them a safe and conducive environment for their development. One of the keys to achieving this is having professionals trained in intervention with minors.

Blog Articulo De Valor Recuperado Prob Conduct 2

My son/daughter has begun to present behavioral problems. What I do?

Many parents have gone through similar situations. They have seen how their children do not assume rules and limits in the family context, how complaints at school are increasing and how they have been involved in problems in their environment and have found effective solutions to help their children overcome their problems. . Here we provide you with some useful tips and resources to help you deal with this situation.