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List of tips for minors who are suffering from cyberbullying

In the digital age we live in, cyberbullying has become an increasingly common concern, especially among young people. Online bullying can have a devastating impact on the emotional health and well-being of children who experience it. That is why it is crucial to be prepared to deal with this situation effectively and protect yourself.
Below, you will find a list of tips designed to help minors who are experiencing cyberbullying deal with this situation safely and effectively. From reaching out to someone you trust to taking concrete steps to protect your emotional well-being, these tips are intended to provide guidance and support to those facing online harassment.

violencia machista entre adolescentes en españa

Weaving Changes: Sexist violence among adolescents in Spain and professional strategies for its eradication

All sexist violence has increased alarmingly in recent years among Spanish adolescents. Above all, gender violence, which from 2018 to 2022 increased by almost 90%; and sexual, which has experienced growth in 40% in just four years. This is reflected in the Longitudinal Study on the Evolution of Violence against Women in Childhood and Adolescence in Spain, prepared by the ANAR Foundation based on more than 20,000 testimonies from minors.

concepto educacion estudiante estudiar brainstorming campus concepto cerca estudiantes que discuten su tema libros o libros texto enfoque selectivo 1

Pro Tips: Sex Education and Pornography

Educating minors about pornography is essential in today's digital age, where access to explicit content is easier than ever. Educators play a crucial role in guiding young people toward a healthy, balanced understanding of sexuality and responsible use of technology.