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How much does a Mediation process cost?

This is one of the most common questions in the field of Mediation. When looking for alternatives to resolve a conflict, it is normal to consider all types of costs, both time and financial costs. A Mediation process is much more economical than via… Read more

Tools for mediators

There are many tools for mediators that professionals use in their daily work. From the International School of Mediation we present a series of magazines that can help you improve in your daily work as mediators: Mediation Magazine It is an academic, biannual, online magazine of... Read more

Mediation and restorative justice, approach to a new model

Nature and origins Restorative justice appears after the modification of the Penal Code, where the victim is recognized the right to participate in the restitution of the damage suffered and the direct and express recognition of the guilty party of his responsibility for the crime committed and his active will to fix … Read more