Job offers in intervention with minors from December 5 to 11
We bring you some offers from social educators that may interest you in Valladolid, Soria and Barcelona. Don't miss this opportunity!
We bring you some offers from social educators that may interest you in Valladolid, Soria and Barcelona. Don't miss this opportunity!
Don't miss our latest job offers! This time in Getafe, Malaga and Almería.
Since last June the Council of Ministers agreed to send to the Cortes Generales the Draft Law for the Real and Effective Equality of Trans People and for the Guarantee of the rights of Lesbian, Gay, Trans, Bisexual and Intersexual People (LGTBI ), the text has not been exempt from controversy of all kinds.
Like every week, we bring you job offers in the sector. There is a vacancy as a social mediator in Madrid, another as a sports mediator in Madrid and another as an intercultural mediator in Madrid.
We bring you some offers from social educators that may interest you in Madrid, Valladolid and Zaragoza. Don't miss this opportunity!
Intercultural mediator employment in Malaga. Job Description There is 1 job offer as an intercultural mediator in Malaga. Functions Requirements You can register for this job offer to work as a mediator by clicking here. Intercultural mediation employment in Seville. Job Description Looking for 2 intercultural mediators in Seville. … Read more
If there is a group of people who are in a particularly vulnerable situation, they are children and adolescents who have arrived alone in Spain, from other countries.
We bring you some offers in mediation as a mediator in this case in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Almería and Seville. Don't miss this opportunity!
We bring you some offers from social educators that may interest you in Madrid, Valladolid and Zaragoza. Don't miss this opportunity!
In Spain there are nearly 17,000 minors in residential centers, more than a thousand between 0 and 6 years old.