The course has been very interesting, but when I signed up I was unaware that the platform was not going to be operational in August, if I had known I would have waited for another edition. In any case, in those questions in which I have needed an answer or solution, I have received one or the other immediately with more than cordial attention and treatment.
And we will keep you informed of all the news in the mediation sector.
Recent logins
- Job offers for social mediators in Madrid
- Job offers for social educators and assistants: Madrid, Mallorca and Castellón
- Key points of Organic Law 1/2025, of January 2, on Measures for the Efficiency of the Public Justice Service
- The new organic law that transforms the future of mediation
- Job offers in the area of intervention with minors: Balearic Islands and Valladolid
- Job offers for social and community mediators: Córdoba and Barcelona
- Job offers for social educators and psychologists in Barcelona, Madrid and Navarra
- Job offers for social mediators: Mallorca and Madrid
- Intercultural mediator job offers: Navarra and Melilla
- Job offers for social educators and educational technicians: Madrid, Castellón, Barcelona